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(Not the offical globalist narrative)
приветствую пользователей этой социальной сети I am humble observer of state of world affairs, I come to to sharing my perspective with Americans
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(2025/01/29 09:56 CST)
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"I will try to paint a picture for you…
At that time of the month, the line would be out the door and around the corner.
The customer would walk in to the store which had no shelving, the whole place was lined with 3/4 inch CDX plywood. There was a small window with bullet proof plastic 2 inches thick.
The customer would walk up to the window and say his order to the guy who was sitting behind the counter in a swivel chair with a Smith and Wesson .38 revolver on his hip. He would nonchalantly reach back and pull on a chain to one of those old school Regiscope bank cameras that banks sued to use to take your picture when you cashed a check. (This was in the days before CCTV was a prevalent as it is now.
He had two runners he would call to grab the order. They only stocked a couple of brands like MD2020 and Thunderbird and ripple and shit like that. They would trot over to the bottles and bring the order back to the window. " -Cardinal Fang
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(2025/01/28 14:51 CST)
#Immigration #Mexico #Academia
" And everything will be made right here in the USA 100%.
The US outlawed harvesting and production of raw materials decades ago. All your wood comes from Canada or Russia. Steel from China. Copper and aluminum from South America. Chips and other electronics from Asia.
You are pretending to deport your entire real labor force and spent untold turning your citizens into illiterates with college degrees. Are all the "Influencers" suddenly going to start doing construction?
What "manufacturing" remains in the US is nothing more than assembly of Chinese components and parts... by Mexicans. " - RM
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(2025/01/28 13:17 CST)
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This guy has a pretty good point. All the major tech companies that make computer operating systems are far left #Liberal #Woke organizations that are #AntiWhite and #DEI to the core, to the detriment of product quality and impartiality.
The #SiliconValleyElite have practically made Wokeness a prerequisite for hiring.
I would also like to think that the computer operating systems I use every day aren't made by people who hate me.
приветствую пользователей этой социальной сети I am humble observer of state of world affairs, I come to to sharing my perspective with Americans
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(2025/01/25 07:49 CST)
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In Russia at end of communistic times we had similar situation with academic ideologues being put out of work. These people simply adapted to disseminating the new ideology of Capitalism.
However, it may be form of poetic justice to tell these people that they should learn how to write computer code, as these same people told coal miners and other workers who were removed when the #WokeCrowd came into power.
Что должно произойти с консультантами DEI
В России в конце коммунистических времен мы имели похожую ситуацию с академическими идеологами, уволенными с работы. Эти люди просто приспособились к распространению новой идеологии капитализма.
Однако, возможно, было бы формой поэтической справедливости сказать этим людям, что им следует научиться писать компьютерный код, как те же самые люди говорили шахтерам и другим рабочим, которых уволили, когда толпа Уока пришла к власти.
#Academia #Woke #DEI #irony
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(2025/01/23 13:01 CST)
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Creating people who are smart enough to accurately repeat what they're told and follow orders, and dumb enough to think this makes them smarter than everyone else.
#memes #Academia #Education
This about sums it up. College looks like such a waste these days, especially when you see the people coming out of "institutions of higher learning".
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(2025/01/21 11:08 CST)
"This inauguration is creepy. Our country is becoming super elitist. The inauguration should be business like. Not some kind of royal knighthood.
This needs to be taken down a thousand and completely de-royaled. It should be the public version of a corporate appointment of leadership. This royalty crap looks feudalistic...this country is very quickly becoming feudalistic, which is why we are becoming a failed state just like all the elitist, corrupt, backwards European kingdoms that elevate money, phony credentials, corruption and connections instead of real genius. This country used to elevate real genius which are the fumes we have been running on for 50 years and probably just recently ran out of with Biden. Trump either gets rid of the elitist bullshit or he encourages it. One way leads to a very quick failure of the country and the other leads us out of this dark malaise. " - Roaming potato
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(2025/01/16 14:05 CST)
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Full Original song Mamas & The Papas California Dreamin (1965):
Wow how times change.
#TooFunny #TooSad #California #Polycrisis #DEI #Corruption
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(2025/01/16 12:53 CST)
#StuffPeopleSaid #Davos
"So just who will be bullying who at the #WEF ? Do they think that #Trump can be bought or intimidated? I suppose they think that everyone has a weakness but Epstein is out of fashion so they can try to pour fake praise and award worthless medals and such so as to stroke his ravenous ego. May be they can introduce him to his replacement in training.
He really should ban all Americans from attending or supporting any globalist-order-planning or promoting events due to the obvious implications on national security. Declaring the WEF and Bilderberg events as a threat to democracy would be also be a useful starter. Then rescinding of all awards given to the enemies of America such as #GeorgeSoros and banning his puppet organizations and withdrawing his citizenship as well as charging him and his cohorts with sedition should be prioritized. Take out the threats before they take you out, it should be obvious that they are trying their damndest and this is a war of attrition." - gargolic
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(2025/01/13 09:09 CST)
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Looks like: "Everything Woke turns to shit"
"LA's $750,000-a-year water chief who allegedly oversaw the emptying of the Santa Ynez Reservoir, previously said the "number one" thing she cared about in her role was "equity."
No wonder why LA is burning. Every leader is a DEI hire.
During a recent podcast, Janisse Quiñones, who was hired by Mayor Karen Bass in May, said that everything she does needs to be done with an "equity lens."
"It's important to me that everything we do is with an equity lens and social justice and making sure that we right the wrongs that we've done in the past."
The Daily Mail now reports that since Quiñones was hired at LADWP, she took the reservoir offline to "repair a tear" and ignored broken fire hydrants.
What a disaster."
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(2025/01/09 15:52 CST)
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#California is looking like a failed state more and more every day.
Looks like these problems are largely #DEI / #Liberal related though, and have NOTHING to do with #ClimateChange
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(2025/01/06 15:59 CST)
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A lot of conspiracy FACT here. Excellent journalism Steve.
#TheGreatReplacement #Immigration #PandemicForProfit #Chemtrails #Corruption #FoodWars #Food #Trump #Globalist #Terrorism #SocialMedia #elites #VACCINE #scamdemic #BirdFlu #California #Covidiocy #CovidTrials #BillGates #CDC #Polycrisis #CIA #WEF #TechnocraticOligarchy #Tyranny #Science
приветствую пользователей этой социальной сети I am humble observer of state of world affairs, I come to to sharing my perspective with Americans
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(2025/01/02 08:30 CST)
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"Say what you will about this guy, but he has led his country out of the sewer that was the post-Cold War (oligarchic) rule over Russia. He has rebuilt his economy, opened the orthodox churches, ousted the thieving oligarchs and maturely shepherded his nation into first-world status. He wisely used the scant financial resources available to develop state-of-the-art hypersonic missile technology thus out-maneuvering his bloated opponents in the West.
Overall, I give Vlad an "A" in his quarter-century rule as a true nationalist leader.
Oh, to God that we had such men of character leading us away from OUR (oligarchs & banksters). "-eyewillcomply
Что бы вы ни говорили об этом парне, но он вывел свою страну из сточной канавы периода после Холодной войны (((олигархического))) господства над Россией. Он восстановил свою экономику, открыл православные церкви, изгнал воров-олигархов и зрело привел свою страну к статусу страны первого мира.
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(2024/12/21 09:48 CST)
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#American #Advertising #Nostalgia
Much simpler (and better) times.
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(2024/12/13 09:32 CST)
#StuffPeopleSaid #NeoFeudalism #Texas
"City run by a Billionaire, is the start of Neo-feudalism proper. Depending on the benevolence of a man who holds all the power..
"You see my lord Elon is better then your lord Gates, he lowered our taxes this year. Oh lord gates gave your people more grain? Still better then lord Thiel, because he demands 1 liter of adrenochrome from our young."
Extreme Inequality in wealth will transform society into something more medieval.
As they say: "in capitalism, its your vote that counts. In Feudalism its your count that votes" " - Mr.opinions
Something else that comes to mind: "Company Towns" as in:
Tennessee Ernie Ford - 16 Tons
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(2024/12/09 09:58 CST)
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This is some pretty good commentary on the ongoing destruction of nationalism towards a #Globalist agenda brought to us by the #elites with #BlackRock and #Vanguard moving the capital to make it happen, influence the population and culture and to change the entire zeitgeist of the west.
The #Woke ideology is part of their master plan to replace the old culture, ideas and ways, as was done by the #Marxist / Communists in #China , Woke ideology functions as a secular religion in very much the same way that Communism was in essence, a secular religion based on the power of the state.
#TrueWorldPolitics #Marxism #Military #MainstreamMedia
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(2024/12/09 09:00 CST)
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You know... No one should ever hope for a society that has to cheer this sort of thing on:
However, it would appear that our nation's #Healthcare system is so mired in #Corruption that maybe something like this is needed to get people talking (and #Congress acting) on a solution to this rampant corruption and abuse of taxpayer funds.
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(2024/12/03 09:09 CST)
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Pokemon Go is a #CIA #Surveillance tool! Say it isn't so!
#TechnocraticOligarchy #SurveillanceState #SmartDevices
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(2024/11/28 11:59 CST)
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#DEI is finally on it's way out with #Trump on the way in.
It's about time. TH US #Military was / is a national embarrassment with the #WokeCrowd in the head shed.
#Globalist #ESG
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(2024/11/22 11:03 CST)
H.R.8070 - Servicemember Quality of Life Improvement and National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025 - Latest Action:Senate - 07/08/2024 Received in the Senate.
(a) Automatic Registration.--The Military Selective Service Act (50 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.) is amended by striking section 3 (50 U.S.C. 3802) and inserting the following new section 3: Sec. 3. (a)(1) Except as otherwise provided in this title, every male citizen of the United States, and every other male person residing in the United States, between the ages of eighteen and twenty-six, shall be automatically registered under this Act by the Director of the Selective Service System.
(NOTE: Includes migrants residing in the United States.)
"Wait till they (illegal Immigrants / migrants) get wind of that, you will then see the border being protected by force KEEPING THEM HERE. lol" - Kolchak
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(2024/11/20 13:27 CST)
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#WWIII draws closer and closer. Looks like one of #Biden 's last acts as president will be to start World War III for the #Globalist elite.
This is pretty much what he (Biden) did by allowing Ukraine to use US made long range missiles to strike in Russia.
#Russia #Ukraine #Israel #WaitForTheFlash
The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy
by John J. Mearsheimer (Author), Stephen M. Walt (Author)
Publisher : Farrar, Straus and Giroux; First Edition (September 2, 2008)
Language : English
Paperback : 496 pages
ISBN-10 : 0374531501
ISBN-13 : 978-0374531508
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(2024/11/06 09:35 CST)
I agree, this election does have global implications.
Even though the United State's economic and military dominance of the world is undeniably fading; our country still projects quite a bit of "soft power" in the form of culture and entertainment that gets exported to the far corners of the globe and influences people in the farthest corners of the world.
The fact that the majority of American people have clearly rejected #Woke ideology and want to see some sort of return to traditional values, or at least values that are not based on "sexual identity", skin color and victim politics; this ideological change will reverberate around the world.
This Woke crap is basically Cultural #Marxism and anyone who has been around a while knows that Marxism / Communism only leads to #Tyranny and forced poverty with a "floor" for all. (except for high party members)
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(2024/11/04 11:45 CST)
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(2024/11/04 11:43 CST)
#StuffPeopleSaid #politics
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(2024/11/04 11:04 CST)
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(otherwise known as government imposed censorship of information that does not fit the official #Globalist narrative)
In light of recent events with the "Wayback Machine" (internet archives) being hacked and partially out of service for nearly a month, with information missing on some websites from like 2020 to 2024
#Censorship #ArchivePDF
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(2024/11/01 07:20 CST)
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Do elections & voting really matter anymore?
Seeing shit like this makes you really wonder.
Seems like elections are influenced these days by "dark money" and cyber operators like this guy, but he is not the only one, by far.
#Israel #PoliceYourOwn #Corruption
#OperationMockingbird #politics #SocialMedia
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(2024/10/31 10:22 CST)
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"German and Italian fascism wasn't right wing. It was based on collectivism which is left wing. The reason the communists were so against fascism is that it was a competing ideology that leveraged nationalism and siphoned off support for for one world communist governance. It was closet communists in the West that branded German and Italian fascism as right wing, but if you have any questions about the similarities between German fascism and Soviet communism, all you have to do is compare and contrast the Communist Manifesto and the Munich Manifesto.
I don't understand why in the 21st century people still promote this propaganda. Must be because they were educated in government run schools. " - gasoline & matches
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(2024/10/30 10:59 CST)
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Although I don't like the theocratic nature of Andrew Torba's Gab platform, I do support his stated mission to defend #FreeSpeech
What Gab / Torba are experiencing from #Germany shows for all to see the #Globalist agenda of attempting to enforce #Censorship internationally.
We should all recognize Andrew Torba's fight for free speech against the globalist powers that seek to criminalize free speech and dissent.
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(2024/10/29 08:50 CST)
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Really ?!?!?
WoW !!! - These these Lefty #Liberal fruitcakes are "Next Level" paranoid delusional about #Trump taking office.
Like Trump hasn't already been president before. He didn't put Lefty / Liberals in "concentration camps" and Trump supporters or "MAGA heads" as this guy calls them, didn't go around like fascist operators rounding people up for "Wrong Think".
Ironically though, rounding people up and putting them in camps or prison for "Wrong Think" or "Hate Speech" is EXACTLY what democrats have proposed for people espousing opinions that Leftists disagree with.
If there is indeed a codition called #TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome), this is DEFINITELY it.
#politics #FreeSpeech #DNC #WokeCrowd #TooFunny #TooSad
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(2024/10/29 07:07 CST)
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Most troubling is this "gem" from #DHS
"Malinformation is based on truth but causes you to distrust authority - Malinformation is what they call it when you catch the government lying"
Of course, DHS & CISA have a slightly different definition of "Malinformation" on their website:
"Malinformation is based on fact, but used out of context to mislead, harm, or manipulate. An example of malinformation is editing a video to remove important context to harm or mislead." -
However, I can see how the government could EASILY abuse this power to define "Malinformation" to include any set of true facts you put together that they don't want put together because it would show their hypocrisy or unconstitutional activities.
#FreeSpeech #MinistryOfTruth #Terrorism #Tyranny
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(2024/10/28 08:33 CST)
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Great journalism by Mark Dice
This piece really throws a spotlight on the BLARING #MainstreamMedia / "Legacy Media" #Liberal bias towards the #DNC against #Trump and the #GOP
It is truly shocking to see the level of bias in the media today. 50 years ago, this is the sort of media behavior & bias we as #Americans would criticize the old Soviet Union for during the cold war, and make sharp distinctions and declarations about the free press being the watchdog of a democracy, vs being an information arm of a dictatorship in the USSR and all that.
Today, the Mainstream / Legacy media is the would-be gate keeper of information and de-facto purveyors of propaganda for the #DeepState , any adult who isn't able to see this today, is either delusional or fucking retarded.
#OperationMockingbird #MinistryOfTruth
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(2024/10/24 08:51 CST)
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#StuffPeopleSaid #UBI #politics
"Statistically almost 100% of welfare recipients are on welfare because of self destructive personal choices. They have sunk as far as the current government is willing to let them sink and then it maintains them in this perpetual slavery.
Not slavery in deeds. No, literally nothing is ever expected of them. They are slaves to the politics of moochers - every once in a while show up and vote for the charlatan that promises them the most free stuff.
This is why Democracy doesn’t work. It is why we were never supposed to have one. Any person that receives a single dime of direct government handout should not be allowed to vote for 4 years.
They should have to transport themselves to a government office where they exchange their biometric secured voter identification card for the first payment.
Or we can print another $30tn in ever more worthless paper until we literally cannot give it away. Then everyone gets to start with a clean slate - Mad Max style. "-acheron2016
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(2024/10/19 06:58 CST)
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You know, after it's been talked about all these years, and after hearing all the theories over the years about the JFK assassination, this theory sounds the most true.
The people who perpetrated this have more money & power and resources than God, and would have definitely wanted this event to occur in broad daylight to serve as a message to anyone who would even think about going against the interests of the #Multinational banking cartel.
#Banking #FederalReserve #Immigration #Rothschild #JewishHypocrisy #DeepState
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(2024/10/17 09:36 CST)
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I doubt absolutely nothing presented in this video.
I fully believe that the United States Government and the #Multinational corporations that control it, ( in part: #BlackRock #Vanguard ) would not hesitate to physically attack #Americans in this way, for the financial motives stated (Massive Strategic Lithium deposits)
There is growing evidence and historical examples of weather modification that indicate that steering a hurricane in this fashion is entirely possible, and has been done before.
The fact that there are Lithium mines in the exact area that was devastated by this modified weather event, provides a strong financial motive for this attack, which also aligns with strategic national interests of the "Military Industrial Complex" ( #MIC )
This is also coincides with the recent DoD directive that allows the #Military / DoD to use deadly force against US citizens on US soil.
#NorthCarolina #WeatherModification #Polycrisis #PerverseIncentives
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(2024/10/16 15:50 CST)
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We indeed live in interesting times where the #Military now has authorization to kill #Americans
These tyrants are obviously afraid of #WeThePeople and plan to take serious action against us at some time in the near future.
If #Trump doesn't get this repealed upon re-election, then he is part of the problem too.
Does anyone still doubt we are well on our way to becoming a #BananaRepublic ? (if we aren't already one)
#Tyranny #KamalaHarris #Biden #DNC
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(2024/10/15 08:55 CST)
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Hey @tex here is another #POV video you would like.
#California #Immigration #TheGreatReplacement
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(2024/10/12 08:36 CST)
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There is a lot going in the #MiddleEast with #Israel trying to dramatically increase their landholdings, it would seem that there is a segment of devout Jews and Christians also, that see Israel's ownership of large swaths of land in the region is divinely ordained. There is no way this is not going to lead to bloodshed on a massive scale.
Additionally, there seems to be #TheGreatReplacement of a different kind going on in #Ukraine also additional conflict with #Iran may cause #Russia to get more involved in a wider conflict.
It appears that apocalyptic views and interpretations of #Religion and religious texts are playing a large part in these escalating conflicts.
Has the whole world lost it's fucking mind?
Or should we be cheering this insanity on as an ethical means for a long overdue purge of the most mentally unstable elements of the world's population?
#TrueWorldPolitics #WaitForTheFlash
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(2024/10/11 07:54 CST)
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Comrade Harris, there is no legal definition of or recognition of "Hate Speech", nor is there an exception to the First Amendment regarding "Hate Speech".
You may not like certain speech, nor may I; in fact we may all find certain speech repugnant, but it is not against the law, if it does not directly promote violence.
I think you have been hanging out with guys like Jonathan Greenblat of the ADL too much, maybe taking too many campaign donations from them too.
Here is a novel thought: If you don't like what people say about you (or a certain group of people) maybe you should change your behavior.
If you as a government official see people talking freely as a threat to your governance and effective control over them, then maybe you and your administration ARE FUCKING DICTATORS!
Go fuck yourself Kamala, and the same goes for anyone who sees free speech as a threat to your power, #HillaryClinton
#PoliceYourOwn #BanTheADL #JewishHypocrisy #FreeSpeech #KamalaHarris
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(2024/10/09 15:37 CST)
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I am not large fan of cat videos, however I find this video very entertaining and filled with profound wisdom for Ukrainian soldiers.
Я не большой поклонник видео с кошками, однако считаю это видео очень интересным и наполненным глубокой мудростью для украинских солдат.
#Ukraine #Russia #Biden #Military #TrueWorldPolitics #TooFunny #TooSad
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(2024/10/04 14:10 CST)
#StuffPeopleSaid #BananaRepublic #WashingtonDC
"In a dictatorship banana republic, we punish political enemies by stealing their money in taxes and using it to support frivolous causes unrelated to them.
We are in a banana republic. The ones who control the government hate us and want us dead. But they will take injury as a consolation prize for now.
The sooner we realize that DC is the enemy and forgo illusions of "United we stand", the sooner we can "do hard things" to make a better reality for the next generation." - SomeAreMoreEqual
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(2024/10/01 07:00 CST)
I will agree with you there about "Emotional Intelligence" being nonsense that has no place in the measurement of intelligence but I would not say that women are useless.
Women are very useful in a home setting and are well suited to cooking, cleaning, making babies and nurturing children, this is about the extent of their usefulness and where they excel in life skills.
The reason they need made up measurements like "Emotional Intelligence" to make them feel better about their emotion driven psychology, is indeed the fault of radical feminists who told them back in the 60's that they (women) are equal to men in every way, when it is obvious this is not the case and this resulting cognitive dissonance only leads to failure, feelings of inferiority and of course the uncontrollable rage women seem predisposed to lately.
That's just my 2 cents.
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(2024/09/30 10:02 CST)
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John Kerry give speech at #WEF lamenting the #FreeSpeech of #WeThePeople
he (Kerry) pretty much says that free speech must be eradicated to save Democracy.
These people are tyrants and see the consent of the governed as something they do not want or need.
These are dangerous times for the Republic. the #DNC has become the party of censorship and totalitarian control.
If these tyrants are able to curtail free speech we are all in for a rough ride as a nation.
This video also has some interesting remarks from the presenter about the #covid #scamdemic and #BigPharma directing #Censorship against people who spoke out against the health dangers and ineffectiveness of the #COVID #vaccine and suggested other treatments.
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(2024/09/30 08:17 CST)
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(2024/09/30 07:26 CST)
" Dengism
The latest evolution of Communism after 1978, named after Deng Xiaoping, which adopts a facade of capitalism.
Dengism is a Corporate-State model of Marxism where commerce is encouraged to be done by large vertically integrated corporations, monopolies, and cartels that have the blessing of the State, who uses them to redistribute resources and enforce the will of the State.
"Stakeholders" inside each company to ensure ideological compliance.
Shareholders are considered secondary to the interests of stakeholders.
Citizens under Dengism are allowed to earn money, remain employed, and have access to services like banking, transportation, social media as long as they present online views acceptable by the State.
Their data is monitored and collected at all times. Sound familiar? " - B Free
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(2024/09/24 10:22 CST)
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By MATT BRACKEN September 5, 2013Updated:January 18, 2021
This is a pretty good article that describes how #American cities could go if there were some sort of disruption in the infrastructure or supply chains.
"Most of us wish we could turn back the calendar to Norman Rockwell’s America. But we cannot, for that America is water long over the dam and gone from our sight, if not from our memories. John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” If that is true, judging by current and even accelerating cultural shifts, we might already have passed the point of no return.
The prudent American will trim his sails accordingly. " - MATT BRACKEN
#2A #Polycrisis #FoodWars #Prepper #BankRun #WaitForTheFlash
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(2024/09/19 06:36 CST)
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Hey @WarPriest , I have to give credit where credit is due. It looks like you were right about
#TheGreatReplacement it's happening right now in #Ohio and everywhere else in #America
#Immigration has been weaponized against #WeThePeople
Looks like the people you talk so much about are the ones behind it at every turn.
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(2024/09/17 17:07 CST)
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This video made my day.😄
#WeThePeople #FreeSpeech #FBI #Corruption #Tyranny
Can't get the US government to hear me. I am a US Citizen I vote, pay taxes; guess I don't have enough money to be heard: money is speech Citizens United Vs FEC
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(2024/09/15 09:07 CST)
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Looks like we could have WWIII with #Russia on our hands in a few months if cooler heads do not prevail in #NATO and #WashingtonDC
I think @vlad is right, #Ukraine is really part of Russia, historically and culturally.
Maybe this global nuclear conflict which will certainly end America as we know it, is inevitable, maybe it is a needed cleansing of the decadence and cultural rot that is gripping this country which will return us to a more basic survival & sustenance mode of living.
Maybe it's over due? Maybe we should just stay out of the major cities, #WaitForTheFlash and hope that something better for our nation rises out of the nuclear ashes?
I'll tell you one thing: it will put an end to this #Woke culture of celebration of weakness victimhood real quick.
Maybe we should all chip in and send Vlad & crew fruit baskets if he manages to take out #WashingtonDC #NewYork and #Hollywood
because 90%+ of our country's problems come from these 3 places
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(2024/09/15 08:26 CST)
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I had no influence in making this video, this is natural opinion of person on street in Russia.
Спросили россиян, какие стереотипы они знают об американцах
Я не имел никакого влияния на создание этого видео, это естественное мнение человека с улицы в России.
#Stereotypes #Russia #Americans #TooFunny #TooSad
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(2024/09/13 10:58 CST)
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#TooFunny #Ohio #Immigration
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(2024/09/11 09:02 CST)
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People who say that the constitution is a "threat to democracy" are just petty tyrants who really want a dictatorship that they control and hold all positions of power in.
The US constitution has checks and balances written into it to protect us against mob rule, and to decentralize government to allow for state's rights, so no one majority has control over all people in the country; basically put, if you don't like the way one state is governed, you can move to another that suits your political preference.
Another takeaway from this video and the political dialogue it shines a light on is: the extreme left now thinks that this nation's founding fathers espoused ideas that they (the extreme left) are desperately trying to discredit and deconstruct, even going as far as smearing those ides & concepts as "Russian Propaganda".
#Liberal #politics #WeThePeople
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(2024/09/10 06:33 CST)
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Hey, its just another case of "Import the 3rd world, become the 3rd world".
Some people just don't make good additions to the "Melting Pot" our country is supposed to be.
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(2024/09/06 07:15 CST)
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The free market is an Illusion. #Blackrock and #Vanguard own enough stock in all publicly traded corporations of any consequence in every industry that provide the goods, services and infrastructure that most of the world use and depend on in their daily lives.
I don't know what the solution to this problem is, and neither does this chick in the video.
The million dollar question is: Who actually controls Vanguard?
Sure, "Vanguard is owned by its member funds, which are owned by the fund shareholders. This means that Vanguard is owned by its customers and does not have any outside shareholders.", but who actually controls it and makes decisions?
#PrivateJetPeople #Globalist #Banking
#WallStreet #Oligarchy
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(2024/08/28 07:01 CST)
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be cheering up, #Russia unlike USA does not encourage decadent #ToxicFeminism that is destroying traditional family in west.
не унывайте, Россия, в отличие от США, не поощряет декадентский токсичный феминизм, разрушающий традиционную семью на Западе.
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(2024/08/20 14:22 CST)
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Hey... Didn't we fight a war of independence some 250 years ago so that a foreign government couldn't couldn't govern us or order us around on our own soil?
Any U.S. #Congress critter that goes along with this totalitarian pipe dream by the #UK #EU needs to be tried for treason.
#FreeSpeech #MinistryOfTruth #Tyranny
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(2024/08/07 14:57 CST)
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Hospitals seem like the are good for shit lately. If they aren't over-billing you they are giving you the wrong meds, or giving you crappy food, or doing things to intentionally make you sicker.
Prevention truly is the best cure.
#Healthcare #BigPharma #PerverseIncentives
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(2024/08/02 16:07 CST)
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See comment here:
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#American #Woke #WokeGestapo
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(2024/08/02 16:04 CST)
This Romanian commentator is correct. Woke Linguistics use same patterns and strategies as what was called "wooden language" from communistic times. Goal of this linguistic exercise is to limit free expression and to make dissent from party narrative more difficult as dissenter's vocabulary is limited by design and excludes the words needed to express any view other than the approved view.
Этот румынский комментатор прав. Пробужденная лингвистика использует те же модели и стратегии, что и то, что в коммунистические времена называлось «деревянным языком». Цель этого лингвистического упражнения — ограничить свободу выражения мнений и затруднить несогласие с партийной идеологией, поскольку словарный запас инакомыслящих ограничен намеренно и исключает слова, необходимые для выражения любой точки зрения, кроме одобренной точки зрения.
#American #woke #WokeGestapo
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(2024/07/31 08:46 CST)
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More #MainstreamMedia coordinated script, across all major channels and news networks.
So the new narrative is: #trump the #GOP and anyone who supports them is "Weird" ... Got it. 👌
So that whole thing we were taught about the "Press is the watchdog of a free democracy" is total BS nowadays, when the mainstream media is the defacto propaganda arm of the #DNC
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(2024/07/23 13:48 CST)
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#StuffPeopleSaid #LGBT #Woke #Healthcare
"St Francis Hospital in San Francisco is part of the Dignity chain of Catholic hospitals. The were founded by Sister Catherine McAuley of Dublin to care for the sick. St Francis Hospital had a money shortfall some years back. The new administrator realized dick chopping and female genital mutilation brings in a lot of money. I have been told more than 75% of the operations at the hospital now are genital mutilation surgery, and plastic surgery to make people look like the opposite sex. The hospital does these mutilations on children under the age of ten. Staff and doctors who objected were fired. They are not in financial distress any longer." - Pernicious Gold Phallusy
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(2024/07/19 09:54 CST)
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"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose
voters," Trump said in 2016
hey @phoneguy I liked that article you posted:
Globalist _Guru_ Claims Trump's Re-Election Will Mean 'The Death Of Global Order' _ ZeroHedge - comment from Dillon c
I will say that #trump puts on a pretty good show, and many people including myself want to believe that he is going to help turn the tide on the impending #WEF / #BlackRock promoted " #Globalist New World Order", but I am still skeptical.
This comment (see PDF) presents some pretty good points about Trump, his hubris and his true role in the "Big Show" that #American #politics has become.
Don't forget that the Donald heavily endorsed the #COVID #VACCINE pushed it hard, and enabled the #scamdemic #LockDown #Tyranny
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(2024/07/16 07:33 CST)
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Is this really where we have gotten to as a country?
Are people of this nation really this divided?
Or is this just an honest indictment of #MainstreamMedia being so fake that nobody believes anything anymore if its on the news?
#trump #California
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(2024/07/15 10:23 CST)
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@phoneguy I agree, I don't think this is a "Lone Wolf" situation. There is no way this kid should have been able to get this close to #trump 's podium with a rife. Also, the level of stupidity and dereliction of duty on part of the Secret Service, is just too great to be credible, even with #DEI hires, this had to be an inside job and / or willful malice.
This kid certainly had to have some sort of assistance either passive, or active; in getting through the security and getting on that roof top with the rifle.
Surely someone would have seen the kid carrying a rifle around the rally grounds so close to the podium, so it is possible that the rifle had been stashed before-hand, or someone waived him through a security checkpoint with it.
There is WAY more to this than meets the eye, and what has been released in the #MainstreamMedia
#DeepState #Corruption
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(2024/07/15 08:01 CST)
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Hey @phoneguy I liked the quote you posted yesterday about the #trump assassination attempt in Butler PA near #Pittsburgh
That quote raises some serious questions about the performance of the Secret Service.
Look at this fat broad they hired to be on Trump's Secret Service detail. Her fat ass is wearing suspenders because her belt is useless for holding up her pants because she has no waist and is grossly out of shape, bordering on being morbidly obese.
This incompetent cunt, an obvious #DEI hire can't even holster her weapon, she has trouble finding her holster and then ends up keeping her sidearm drawn in an apparent attempt cover that up those failed attempts to holster.
One of the first things Trump should do when he gets back into office is totally scrap all this Diversity Equity & Inclusion crap and go back to hiring people based on MERIT !
#ToxicFeminism #Diversity
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(2024/07/03 12:02 CST)
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Yep.... That pretty much sums it up. We are a fallen nation and the only thing that will fix this mess is to dismantle the beast in #WashingtonDC
Happy Fucking Fourth of July. We need a new Independence Day. 🖕🏛️🎆🎇
"The men that are qualified to fight are mostly conservatives and they aren’t going to go to war for the current administration. They certainly aren’t going to die for Ukraine and I doubt many are interested in dying for Israel either. If they fight a war it’s going to be here at home to remove pervasive and corrupt puppet officials along with their globalist puppet masters. " - Brandon Smith
#Military #Corruption #Ukraine #Israel #Globalist #PrivateJetPeople #WEF
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(2024/07/02 14:42 CST)
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#TrueWorldPolitics #WaitForTheFlash #Israel #Iran #MiddleEast #politics #Military
Say what you want about Scott Ritter's personal life, but the man was a former Marine Corps Intelligence Officer. Pretty much every point he brought up about the developing situation in Israel can be gleaned from open-source research on the matter.
Has the world reached peak Zionism?
Is the state of Israel soon to be destroyed?
Will Israel's undue foreign influence over the the United States be reigned in?
It certainly seems we are on the brink of major upheaval in the world.
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(2024/06/28 07:51 CST)
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Behind the scenes look at President Joe #Biden 's handlers getting him ready for the big debate with trump. 🤣🤣
#TooFunny #DNC #politics #Sarcasm
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(2024/06/18 10:58 CST)
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🤣😆😂 #TooFunny #Biden #Whitehouse #DNC #MinistryOfTruth
Our government is totally lacking in credibility these days.
Biden is a vegetable and everybody knows it. Stop pretending already.
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(2024/06/18 07:16 CST)
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The entire #Biden #Whitehouse is a shit show. This man needs to be retired. There is no way he can continue to be plausibly propped up and made to appear competent or even aware of his surroundings anymore.
The federal government is losing credibility every day they continue to prop up poor old Joe and act like he is a functional, coherently thinking person.
#DNC #TooSad #politics
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(2024/06/05 09:05 CST)
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#TooFunny #TooSad #NATO #Ukraine #Russia
It is possible to prevent further conflict, recognize that Ukraine is part of Russia.
Можно предотвратить дальнейший конфликт, признать, что Украина является частью России.
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(2024/06/04 12:05 CST)
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#Military #Nostalgia
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(2024/06/02 09:35 CST)
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#Advertising #Nostalgia #TooFunny #AntiWoke
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(2024/05/29 15:00 CST)
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If you consider yourself a #Woke Social Justice Warrior or Woke activist / agent of change, then you need to listen to this.
Mao Zedong had people and organizations who functioned just like you do in #China during the "Cultural Revolution" in the 1960's, and when he achieved his goal of destabilizing the old Chinese culture, he disposed of his "Woke" Red Guards, the same way you will be disposed of when your efforts usher in the tyrannical #Globalist "Stakeholder Capitalism" that the #WEF and #BlackRock are promoting. (apparently just a Western flavor of Maoist / #Marxist ideals)
Whether "Woke-ism" wins or loses, you lose as promoter of Woke culture, and a destabilizer of the old culture.
#ESG #DEI #TrueWorldPolitics #WokeCrowd #WokeGestapo
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(2024/05/24 17:36 CST)
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In the times of Leonid Brezhnev, the USSR issued an anniversary stamp with Brezhnev's portrait, but all those stamps were falling off the envelopes.
The Party appointed a special commission to investigate. Soon they had a report:
“The stamps don't hold because most people who buy the stamp are spitting on the wrong side.”
“What about the people who don't spit, but the stamps still don't hold?”
“Those people are licking the stamp's back side so intently, there’s no glue left when they're done.”
Во времена Леонида Брежнева в СССР выпускалась юбилейная марка с портретом Брежнева, но все эти марки отваливались от конвертов.
Партия назначила специальную комиссию для расследования. Вскоре у них был доклад:
«Марки не держатся, потому что большинство людей, покупающих марки, плюют не на ту сторону».
«А как же люди, которые не плюются, но марки все равно не держатся?»
«Эти люди так внимательно облизывают обратную сторону марки, что когда они заканчивают, клея не остается».
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(2024/05/23 08:37 CST)
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Hilarious post....Sort of reminds me of Topps' Wacky Packages Cards & Stickers.
"Wacky Packages were those Topps bubble gum parody stickers that made fun of household products of their time. I remember buying Wacky Packages for 5 cents a pack at the local convenience store (7-Eleven) when I was a kid back in the 1970’s, collecting and trading them with friends. Wacky Packages were so popular back then. I used to see them stuck on lunch boxes, notebooks and lockers at school. They are fun to look at, fun to collect and really bring back memories of products that defined a great era." -
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(2024/05/22 09:16 CST)
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We truly live in a FUCKED UP and lawless society where powerful #Multinational corporation are entirely likely to "Whack" (surreptitiously kill) people for "blowing the whistle" and exposing wrongdoing and criminal negligence and malfeasance committed by these corporations that affects public safety and has likely caused deaths among their customers and the general public using their products.
#Corruption #BigPharma
"McAtee posted a video on X where she is seen saying, "Hello everybody. My name is Melissa McAtee, also known as Melissa Strickler. I am the Pfizer whistleblower that was in manufacturing quality for about five years at Pfizer, but employed total for about ten years," she says. "
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(2024/05/20 18:29 CST)
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«Война Фугази тоже не работает. Когда Украина стала проблемой для Западной цивилизации? Когда Виктория Нуланд и компания в Госдепартаменте США решили сделать это проблемой в 2014 году. До этого, возвращаясь в туман истории, Украина Это не было проблемой. Это была довольно бедная приграничная провинция России», — Кунстлер.
#Russia #Ukraine #TrueWorldPolitics #American #Corruption #EconomicWarfare #BigPharma #ArchivePDF
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(2024/05/20 10:44 CST)
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These young chicks are starting to figure things out.
#Corruption #politics #Biden #Congress #MainstreamMedia #BillGates
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(2024/05/15 17:22 CST)
"Compared to the Great Depression, the US population today is completely removed from agriculture and has no idea what living off the land means."
The average westerner, much less american, has no idea what gender they are today or whether they can have periods out of their dicks, much less anything pertaining to how to subsist without a government handout. When Darwin times really get going, and they will very soon, there will be a massive die-off of mental and moral defectives such as has never been seen in all of history, save (maybe) the times of the Black Death.
The elite assholes and I agree on only one thing... We need a massive depopulation event. Where we differ is which 90% need to get chainsawed. I vote for them to go first, followed by the adherents of the woke cult. " - Farasien's Doppelganger
#2A #Food #FoodWars #Polycrisis #TheGreatReset #WokeCrowd
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(2024/05/15 08:10 CST)
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People should really think about being a #Prepper
or at least putting away some food, supplies and equipment to hedge against the possibility of a grid down situation, supply chain disruption or some sort of catastrophic event.
#2A #Food #FoodWars #Polycrisis #TheGreatReset
#WaitForTheFlash #ArchivePDF
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(2024/05/14 13:53 CST)
#StuffPeopleSaid #Corruption #scamdemic #VaccineGestapo #ToxicFeminism #ElectionFraud #Immigration #WokeCrowd
"Everything makes sense when you realize that the destruction of the United States is not due to incompetence. It's 100% intentional.
They want our border open. They want our cities consumed by crime. They want our economy to fail. They want to destroy the nuclear family. They want pandemics and forced vaccination. They want unsecure fraudulent elections. They want harmful drugs on our streets. They want to sexualize our children. They want to destroy our food supply. They want us to be destitute, uninformed and dependent on the STATE. They want to destroy our way of life for their benefit.
We Are At WAR!" - B Free
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(2024/05/12 11:03 CST)
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Transcript of speech given by Mr. Winston Marshall at Oxford Union in #UK
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" The Oxford Union is the world's most prestigious debating society with a tradition of hosting internationally prominent individuals across politics, academia, and popular culture. Founded in 1823 at a time when The University of Oxford restricted students from discussing certain topics, The Union continues to uphold the principle of free speech through the exchange and debate of a wide range of ideas and opinions, presented by a diverse range of speakers – some inspiring, others controversial. "
#WeThePeople #FreeSpeech #TrueWorldPolitics #politics
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(2024/05/12 10:56 CST)
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" Populism is not a threat to democracy. Populism is democracy. " - Winston Marshall
This is an important and powerful speech that highlights the problem we have in #America and around the world with #Globalist #elites imposing #Tyranny on #WeThePeople and undermining democracy by criticizing real democracy Of, By and For the people.
#Censorship #Davos #WEF #KlausSchwab #BlackRock #UK #WallStreet
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(2024/05/08 19:17 CST)
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People need to wake the fuck up. The #COVID #scamdemic and the #vaccine roll-out were really a means to cull the "excess" population and institute greater #Surveillance and control over the rest. #BillGates has openly talked about controlling the population with vaccines.
Don't comply with "vaccine passports", wear face masks or any of the other #covid nonsense these bastards will undoubtedly try to impose again when they start up the #MainstreamMedia lie machine again to push the "Disease X" narrative.
This will probably coincide with the fall of the US dollar when it is replaced as the world reserve currency in global #Banking .
We indeed live in interesting times. Keep your heads on a swivel, and as always question everything #TPTB say and do.
Nobody is going to look out for you, especially not the Federal government, they are entirely complicit in what is coming down the proverbial pike.
Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2024/04/15 12:11 CST)
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Interesting interview on the latest conflict between #Iran and #Israel
Sounds to me like Israel needs to realize it's limitations and change the way it does business so it doesn't piss off it's neighbors in the Arab and wider #Muslim world. Sounds like #America can't stop whats coming Israel's way either. This should get interesting soon if Israel doesn't have the sense to back down and de-escalate this.
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(2024/04/13 07:33 CST)
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#StuffPeopleSaid #TrueWorldPolitics #UK
#SouthAmerica #MiddleEast #Muslim #Canada #Mexico #Afghanistan
This is an interesting observation
See whole quote in the PDF
"If you think into American foreign policy since the end of WW2 - every conflict strangely seems to be to do with some old British Empire stomping ground - Afghanistan, Iraq, Crimera, Syria etc ... On the opposite side of the fkg world requiring insane logistics...." - iigg11
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(2024/04/11 07:23 CST)
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#CIA #FBI #Corruption #Tyranny #MinistryOfTruth
I'm not sure if I am supposed to be surprised or shocked by these revelations or just "Meh".
When the CIA was founded in 1947, it's charter prohibited it from conducting domestic operations against US citizens.
This is a bit more severe that just wiretapping or covert surveillance, this is active entrapment and straight-up Banana Republic kind of shit.
It's sad to finally acknowledge it, but the "American Experiment" is over, it has been over for some time now, we are just seeing definitive proof of it shoved in our faces.
The United States Federal Government is a clear and present danger to #WeThePeople
Shit like this is NOT part of the "Social Contract" of a "Free Democratic Republic"
This will never get fixed, only swept under the rug. We should really consider pros & cons of keeping this system.
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(2024/04/06 08:55 CST)
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Just one big #Globalist cluster fuck with #elites trying to enlist us all as cannon fodder for their quest for global domination and implementation of a system of #Marxist #Tyranny via #TechnocraticOligarchy
Don't buy into the idea that #Russia is trying to take over the world and that #Ukraine is the first "domino" of a wider collapse. This is EXACTLY the same bullshit that got us into the Nam, don't fall for it again.
Also, part of this is the conflict between #Israel and what will amount to the whole Arab world before it is over. Let the Israelis fight their own damn wars that they themselves instigated. #American soldiers have NO fucking business fighting any war for Israel. Any dumb fuck who believes that it their religious duty to protect Israel, is truly mind-fucked and deserves exactly what is in store for him. Protect your own families and country.
#WeAreAllPalestinians #Christianity #TrueWorldPolitics #ArchivePDF
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(2024/04/05 09:35 CST)
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How can any rational person NOT believe that #TheGreatReplacement is a conspiracy FACT?
#NewYork #BlackRock #Immigration #Corruption
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(2024/04/01 08:10 CST)
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#memes #Sarcasm #TechnocraticOligarchy #Healthcare
Yes, let the "Tesla Guy" put a chip in your brain, what could possibly go wrong? 👍
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приветствую пользователей этой социальной сети I am humble observer of state of world affairs, I come to to sharing my perspective with Americans
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(2024/03/28 07:00 CST)
Gentlemen, please do not involve #Russia in your post apocalyptic nuclear fantasies of eliminating destructive of elements of #LGBT and #ToxicFeminism in your declining nation's large cities.
However, I am sure that #China would accept this role, as they are affected by surplus of male population and their economy is having difficulty.
Господа, пожалуйста, не вовлекайте Россию в свои постапокалиптические ядерные фантазии по устранению деструктивных элементов ЛГБТ и токсичного феминизма в крупных городах вашей приходящей в упадок страны.
Однако я уверен, что Китай согласится на эту роль, поскольку он страдает от избытка мужского населения и его экономика испытывает трудности.
Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2024/03/27 11:38 CST)
Hey @MikeMgTow
I can certainly agree with this analysis.
The worm has definitely turned. Ain't nothin' worth defending in the big cities anymore, let it all burn.
Mike #MGTOW is the name, exposing #ToxicFeminism & modern women as the greedy, entitled trash they are is my game 🎮🤑☣️🚺🤮
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(2024/03/27 07:06 CST)
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Women are "off the charts" insane these days. Totally entitled, useless succubi who would intentionally and gleefully drag a man down, and the family law system facilitates and encourages this toxic behavior 100% of the way.
Maybe instead of objecting to WWIII, we should be actively encouraging our corrupt government to have a full thermonuclear exchange with #Russia . 🤔
The total collapse of this sick and degenerate society back to a survival based existence would solve this problem in a hurry, and as an added bonus, the people most responsible for this #Liberal insanity, reside in the largest cities and metropolitan areas which are primary targets, they would be the first to perish in the event of an all-out nuclear war. 💥🍄☢️
#ToxicFeminism #MGTOW #TooSad
приветствую пользователей этой социальной сети I am humble observer of state of world affairs, I come to to sharing my perspective with Americans
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(2024/03/26 15:52 CST)
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This is a most interesting coincidence
Капитан контейнеровоза, который протаранил мост в Балтиморе, блокировав порт, является гражданином Украины
Это самое интересное совпадение
#irony #Russia #Ukraine #Baltimore #Polycrisis #TrueWorldPolitics #ArchivePDF
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Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2024/03/22 13:03 CST)
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Well that's interesting.
I wonder if it has anything to do with #France talking about sending troops to #Ukraine to fight against #Russia which would obligate #NATO and #America to get involved?
Or maybe it has to do with #American #Military Special Forces units being stationed about 4 - 6 miles from #China 's border.
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(2024/03/21 13:09 CST)
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#FatShaming #TooFunny
Obviously exceeded the weight capacity of this vehicle.
Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2024/03/17 12:07 CST)
I like your revised Obama-Biden meme:
Here is a pretty good response:
"I will vote for Trump. But I have no illusions. He is compromised by the zionists who surround him. He is not a savior or the second coming. And he still pimps those death jabs. He's a fool." - Bigly
#politics #trump #GOP #vaccine
приветствую пользователей этой социальной сети I am humble observer of state of world affairs, I come to to sharing my perspective with Americans
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(2024/03/16 08:31 CST)
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Delusional profiteers and cheerleaders of American #MIC (Military Industrial Complex) should listen to this retired colonel. America is in no shape militarily, financially, economically or spiritually to engage in war with #Russia nor #China . America should concern itself with securing its borders, eliminating #Corruption and repairing its economy.
Полковник Дуглас МакГрегор: «Полное разрушение. Украина в руинах! Все кончено!»
Бредовые спекулянты и сторонники американского ВПК (Военно-промышленный комплекс) должны прислушаться к этому полковнику в отставке. Америка не в состоянии в военном, финансовом, экономическом или духовном отношении участвовать в войне с Россией или Китаем. Америка должна позаботиться о безопасности своих границ. , искоренение Коррупции и восстановление экономики.
#TrueWorldPolitics #American #Military #Ukraine #EconomicWarfare
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(2024/03/13 11:56 CST)
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This demonstrates why women are at the forefront of all things #Woke , subjective and anti - #Science
Women will almost always choose their feelings over logic, truth, and objective reasoning.
This is why the #LGBT & transgender movements have gained so much traction in the west; women who now vote in numbers comparable to, or greater to men, don't see any problem with people who FEEL like they are a different gender, or identify as furry animals, or any of the other brands of insanity, all out mental disorders and "Neurodivergence" that are being promoted and glamorized in #MainstreamMedia
Here to boogie on this social media Disco floor.
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(2024/03/13 09:46 CST)
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Highlights and major events of 1975
ahhh.... Simpler times.
#Nostalgia #History
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(2024/03/10 09:47 CST)
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#American #politics #WashingtonDC #Military
These are the kind of ideas and the sort of leadership we need to turn this country around from the edge of the abyss that it currently sits on.
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